A look back at last year.
The first was public domain day. Works from 1929 are now the public's along with sound recordings from 1924. Some samples.
a tip of the hat to Dan
If you're interested before it becomes difficult or impossible to get one..
A semi-regular feature of Nature. These are excellent.
For many drones are nothing more than incredibly flexible camera platforms. These are entrants in a drone photography contest later this month.
Om Malik on where digital cameras are going.
the server may be overwhelmed
A remarkable collection at the Library of Congress
You can narrow the search - say to New Jersey - by using mrg new jersey
mrg stands for the John Margolies Roadside America photograph archive
a tip of the hat to Greg
What could possibly go wrong? (Chris Welch on Theads. . I don't have an account, but it worked for me)
public domain day
The first was public domain day. Works from 1929 are now the public's along with sound recordings from 1924. Some samples.
a tip of the hat to Dan
06:35 in Art, Books, General Commentary, literature, Music, photography | Permalink | Comments (0)