This is the original holiday card I sketched back in 1994 along with a bit of midi. I posted it to the then-new web and the few people I knew with browsers on their machines gave a thumbs up. The next year a bit of laziness saw it going out unchanged. The third year came and I almost forgot, only to be reminded by a few dozen requests that came just before Christmas. From then on I posted it every year soon after Thanksgiving. When the 25th anniversary rolled around a few years ago, I asked if people wanted something new, but the unanimous vote was for the classic.
systemic idiocy
Greg on a major problem in the US.
Perhaps stupid people force the rest of us to better hone our arguments? To avoid complacent rationality? Even serving as object lessons- acknowledging that luck plays as much a role in life as raw skill. We all are stupid sometimes, and should cut each other a bit of slack.
And sometimes stupid is right.
Except the ranks of the stupid have grown so numerous, they now block, rather then incentivize, smart solutions. We’re not concerned with a single dumb act or political/moral disagreements. The lung cancer victim who vapes may be otherwise rational except in this one area, where their mind is clouded by a powerful addiction.
16:32 in Current Affairs, friends, General Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0)