Much has been written about how ill-suited office building are for conversion. Some are taking a different approach - go to areas that are desirable to live in (Manhattan for young single workers), don't worry about making the apartments super-desirable, but make them slightly less expensive than convention apartments and assume tenants will leave in a few years anyway.
All his apartments are market-rate properties, so what he creates is élite but ordinary, luxurious but cramped, permanent but marginal. Avinash Malhotra, an architect who has done several conversions with Berman, noted that a single office tower can be carved up into hundreds of little units, as in a hotel. “He is not making housing for the homeless,” Malhotra said. “But I often joke among my employees that what we do is slums for the rich.”
preparing for the russians
The Swedes and Finns regularly use their road systems as runways. In a war with Russia this could be extremely important. The problem is other NATO countries haven't built the appropriate infrastructure and, with the exception of the Swedish Gripen, the current generation of fighters aren't designed for highway use.
06:17 in Current Affairs, design, General Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0)