Americans are stocking up on foreign goods.
In a November Harris/Guardian poll, nearly half (44%) of respondents said they were planning purchases before Trump entering office, while nearly two-thirds (62%) said they were at least adjusting their financial plans for next year.
The Guardian asked readers whether they had made or were planning to make purchases in anticipation of Trump’s tariffs. Dozens responded with what they had bought with inauguration day in mind.
Many readers said they made major electronics purchases in anticipation of new tariffs against China. According to the Consumer Technology Association, a 60% tariff on Chinese imports could push up prices for laptops and tablets by 46% and smartphones by 26%.
Even though many said they would have preferred to hold off on making bigger purchases, many felt the pressure of looming tariffs.
a tip of the hat to Sukie
creating a positive opposition
Timothy Snyder on a people's cabinet.
Opposition and resistance will take many forms. But a people’s cabinet would be a specific form of activity for politicians. It should be composed of present and past elected officials, and perhaps also past holders of high offices. Unlike journalists or academics or activists or others, such people bear not just ethical but political responsibility. They might have a political future in a restored American democracy. That is the point.
How might the Democratic Party arrange something like this? Unlike parties in parliamentary systems, the Democratic Party has no clear hierarchy, no leader who automatically heads the next government. There is no tradition of an alternative cabinet in the United States. But that does not mean that generating one is impossible! After all, a member of the House of Representatives has already suggested doing this.
The chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee is open. Candidates could make a people’s cabinet part of their platform and explain how they would form it. This would be an obvious first step.
Or the ranking members of the relevant House and Senate committees and subcommittees could serve in parallel as the people’s cabinet. Or the ranking member of one important congressional committee, such as Judiciary, could assign all of its members to serve as an alternative cabinet. Or one respected person of authority could be given the authority by some group of Democrats to form the people’s cabinet. Or a caucus within the Democratic Party, impatient with the older generation, could take this up. Or a set of Democratic governors could get together...
The essential point is to figure this out and get started!
06:02 in Current Affairs, General Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0)