Janna Levin is the new co-host on the Joy of Why .. she interviews Stephanie Preston on where it comes from and why it survives. Transcript and audio (I go for the audio with this podcast)
LEVIN: Some of this sounds contradictory to the classical notion of evolutionary biology where everything is just about selfish survival. I think you’ve explained well why there would be evolutionary pressure in the longer term to have this kind of evolution to be altruistic and protect the young. Do you see a distinction between the kind of old-guard ideas about selfishness in evolutionary theory and yours?
PRESTON: Yeah, I think they have known for a long time that things like being related to the individual makes altruism sensible and that can occur across species, or that it can be sensible to give to one when you can receive a gift back. They call that reciprocity. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is something that works in the animal kingdom and in people.
But I think what’s unique here is that these features are coming together in a way that promotes behaviors toward total strangers. Let’s take an example of a heroic rescue. If you see a burning building, or somebody falls in rushing waters, it takes great risk to your personal fitness to get involved, and we call them heroes almost specifically because they helped a stranger.
a historian on the 'biden's too old' story
Thomas Zimmer has a few thoughts
There is, ultimately, a self-serving dimension to these “Biden too old” takes coming from the center to conservative non-MAGA Right. They are preemptively assigning blame – for a possible, maybe even expected Trump return to power – to those who have annoyed them and with whom they have disagreed for some time: the Democratic Party and its liberal enablers and cheerleaders in the media and elsewhere. As the whole center-Left and all the Liberals are supposedly losing their minds, they tell us that they are the only rational actors in the game who are still willing to acknowledge what is so evidently true. And when Trump wins in November, they can say “We told you so.” I can’t help but think of this as a form of resigning oneself to an outcome they claim they are trying to prevent. A particular kind of accommodation even.
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