The famous New Yorker piece
Three days after the first Allied landing in France, I was in the wardroom of an LCIL (Landing Craft, Infantry, Large) that was bobbing in the lee of the French cruiser Montcalm off the Normandy coast. The word “large” in landing-craft designation is purely relative; the wardroom of the one I was on is seven by seven feet and contains two officers’ bunks and a table with four places at it. She carries a complement of four officers, but since one of them must always be on watch there is room for a guest at the wardroom table, which is how I fitted in. The Montcalm was loosing salvos, each of which rocked our ship; she was firing at a German pocket of resistance a couple of miles from the shoreline. The suave voice of a B.B.C. announcer came over the wardroom radio: “Next in our series of impressions from the front will be a recording of an artillery barrage.” The French ship loosed off again, drowning out the recording. It was this same announcer, I think—I’m not sure, because all B.B.C. announcers sound alike—who said, a little while later, “We are now in a position to say the landings came off with surprising ease. The Air Force and the big guns of the Navy smashed coastal defenses, and the Army occupied them.” Lieutenant Henry Rigg, United States Coast Guard Reserve, the skipper of our landing craft, looked at Long, her engineering officer, and they both began to laugh. Kavanaugh, the ship’s communications officer, said, “Now what do you think of that?” I called briefly upon God. Aboard the LCIL, D Day hadn’t seemed like that to us. There is nothing like a broadcasting studio in London to give a chap perspective.
tompson highway's massey lectures
Tompson is a Cree storyteller. A few years ago CBC invited him to give a five lectures on his culture. If you're curious about an indigenous people, these are terrific.
As this year’s CBC Massey lecturer, the acclaimed Cree playwright and author explores some of the fundamental questions of human existence through the lens of Indigenous mythologies, and contrasts them with the ideas from ancient Greece and Christianity.
“Over the years have I come to believe that, through the course of much human movement across this planet, [these] three mythologies in particular have come to a meeting point, a kind of forum, here on our North American continent,” Highway writes in Laughing with the Trickster: On Sex, Death, and Accordions, a book based on his lectures.
With his signature irreverence, Highway examines the themes of language, creation, sex and gender, humour, and death through these traditions.
He also introduces readers and listeners to one of the central figures in Indigenous mythology: the Trickster — zany, ridiculous, yet wise.
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