About five years ago my parents gave me a pair of Ice Grips ... studded strap-on soles for your boots.
I've worn them in the extreme conditions. . I've walked through the woods during and after ice storms on surfaces where crawling would be the only alternative. You do have to be careful in an ice storm as tree branches have a tendency to fall and you need to stay away from any power lines, but the world can be amazingly beautiful.
There are some downsides. They are tricky to install (the caveat is I'm a maladroit on such things), you can only use them on snow or ice covered ground as the (replaceable) studs wear very quickly on concrete or asphalt, and you should never wear them indoors. These are not dancing shoes!
The price is reasonable for real freedom is seriously bad traction conditions, but you need to remember to stay away from others who may be having problems. Last year I was walking in an ice storm and a car skidded onto the sidewalk about a hundred feet in front of me.