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October 19, 2003


I'm a student at the University of Auckland and I was wondering if you could help me answering the following questions
What are the political,economical and cultural factors that shaped the development of the sony walkman and the apple ipod?
please send me the information as soon as possible

hahaha *snap* wanna rite my essay for me maria?! lol

Will it be alright if i use this for my time-line?
Paragraph 17 under your essay.

A friend bought a Walkman in 1982 and we though he was crazy. But with stereo, it sounded GREAT.

I am looking for information on the demo song by "T-Square" called JUNGLE STRUT or something like that. One side had part of a Rachmaninov piano concerto (I think) and the other side had this tune, JUNGLE STRUT by T-Square.

I have searched and searched and can not find the tune. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Don in Dallas

I'm a student at the Democritious University of Thrace(Greece) and I was wondering if you could help me answering the following questions
What are the political,economical and cultural factors that shaped the development of the sony walkman and the apple ipod?
please send me the information as soon as possible

John, Jungle Strut was a cool little tune, by who? I can't remember. But the flip side of the tape was the Grieg Piano Concerto, played by the Tokyo Philharmonic (hence the perfect, sterile playing).

One of the songs on the Walkman demo cassette was a real jazzy piano song w/ some sax (I believe). Does anyone know the name of that song, or where to find it? It's been in my head since the 80s but I've not heard it in 20 years.

Does anyone know who invited the sony walkman?!!?!?

Does anyone have any info about a particular sony walkman demo tape that had the most excellent jazz-funk orchestrated tune on it. A friend and I are desperately trying to find out who it was by or if anyone has a download for it. All we know is that it was by a Japanese group or band named something like the 'so-and-so Tanaka Band' or similar.
Man, it was so good! I'd love to find it again. It had lots of brass parts and some really good piano and subtle slap-bass parts. It may be the same as the song Big D is looking for...

looking for more links for sony walkman information please??

The demo tape had two songs. Side A - Jungle Strut by D. Kume and K. Senba. It also has The Square printed beneath. Possibly the name of the album. Side B - Symphony No. 8 by Dvorak - Arr. by T. Morishita. Time Cycle is possibly the album. I still have the cassette although Side B was recorded over. If anyone has information on these songs and albums please let me know.

en 1981 mi abuelo le regalo a mi abuela un walkman grabador modelo TCS-310 de SONY,y trajo una cinta de demostracion en la que tenia 2 canciones el lado A tenia la cancion jungle strut por D.Kume y K.Semba. THE SQUARE y el lado B Sinfonia n.8 por Dvorak- Arr. T Morishita.
Actualmente tengo esa cinta pero la misma se malogrado y hace 18 años que no puedo escucharla, y el walkman mencionado arriba se lo robaron de mi casa en 1984 .Si cualquier persona tiene informacion acerca de estas canciones o los albunes,y tambien donde conseguir un Walkman SONY TCS-310, se los agradeceria mucho.

en 1981 mi abuelo le regalo a mi abuela un walkman grabador modelo TCS-310 de SONY,y trajo una cinta de demostracion en la que tenia 2 canciones el lado A tenia la cancion jungle strut por D.Kume y K.Semba. THE SQUARE y el lado B Sinfonia n.8 por Dvorak- Arr. T Morishita.
Actualmente tengo esa cinta pero la misma se malogrado y hace 18 años que no puedo escucharla, y el walkman mencionado arriba se lo robaron de mi casa en 1984 .Si cualquier persona tiene informacion acerca de estas canciones o los albunes,y tambien donde conseguir un Walkman SONY TCS-310, se los agradeceria mucho.

hey im a student currenctly writing a dissertation on the walkman and the impact on interaction between people. i was wondering if you could give me any names of usefull books or books on case studies on the walkman. Thanks Christian

i wasnt the impact the walkman made in the wotld and the music industry

i wasnt the impact the walkman made in the wotld and the music industry

i bought the walkman and it had a demo tape come with it. i seem to have lost the tape and i want to find another one. where can i find the demo tape? the tape had sound effects recorded in it..

I think I still have the original tape at home.
If I find it I will digitize it :)

If anyone already has it please send it to me: zibree AT gmail DOT com

Those songs MUST BE on my iPhone for historical reasons :)

I had the demo tape which came together with my TPS-L2. On side a there's a fantastic version of "Diamonds are forever" played by a japanese jazz-funk-band. Side b came along with airplne sounds. Unfortunately i can't find the tape but i have a mp3 from side a...

Alguien encontro los titulos de la demo que venia en el TPS-L2???????????

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