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September 06, 2003



I'd like to share a coinage I created when I called it "jacking" which can be shortened to "jacked", or "jack", feel free to share the coinage!

Usage: there I was, shareing a "jack", I was "jacked" into some R&B, when I realised I was "jacking" stuff I'd never heard before.


I'm not too sure about the term "jacking". I'm my circle of friends, the word "jacking" has several other meanings, none of which would be appropriate to do in a park or while on a walk in the neighborhood.

Yeah, this whole Jacking thing is cool, we do it at my High School in Canada too, just walk around and give a slight nod, and then a group of us are listening to eachothers Metalica, Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson or whatevers playing. Its awsome!

i have never "Jacked" before ...wow that really does sound wrong... it sounds pritty neat tho. heck i don't even have an i-pod i dunnp what i'm doonig on this page ... must have takin a wrong turn somewhere...

i have never "Jacked" before ...wow that really does sound wrong... it sounds pritty neat tho. heck i don't even have an i-pod i dunno what i'm donig on this page ... must have takin a wrong turn somewhere...

I have found a funny video that shows the difference between the way of microsoft versus apple (its about repackaging an ipod) its on my ipod blog

Awesome read. Really handy info.

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