She's another person who doesn't mince words like the NYT or WaPo
The American eugenics movement was influential throughout the world in the years before World War II. Hitler specifically made reference to California’s eugenics program under which, between 1909 and 1979, at least twenty thousand people were forcibly sterilized. The American South, effectively a closed fascist state, with its extensive and comprehensive laws governing segregation, miscegenation, and its coordinated violence against Blacks, including lynching, that effectively deprived the right to vote, led the world in race-based legislation.
For Nazis, with their own ambitious goals for racial purity, the accomplishments of the American South in this regard were the gold standard. When German lawyers met in 1934 to draft legislation that would become the basis for the Nuremberg Laws, the South’s total success in depriving Blacks of their rights was a major topic of conversation.
Apparently, we’re all supposed to pretend that every horrific thing Donald Trump says and does is baked in so none of it makes a difference. I refuse to concede that point, but what then about his Republican enablers who pretend they never heard him call immigrants “vermin?” What about the governors who wag their fingers at him when he spreads dangerous disinformation or when he terrorizes an entire American community by targeting the legal immigrants who live there, but are still support him? Do we let them off the hook, too?
It is a horrifying irony that Donald, one of the most damaged, weak, and inferior people who has ever walked the planet, promotes the inferiority of non-whites. But he’s, after all, merely a symptom of a disease that, thanks to the opportunism of the Republican Party and the fascists, white supremacist, and Christian nationalists they represent, continues to metastasize
happy canadian thanksgiving
To Canadian friends!
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