Usually she buys the same number as her age, but this year she rented a small helium tank that ended up filling 56 balloons. For the past ten years Jheri celebrates her birthday by giving balloons away to kids and adults who look like they could use one.
We think of helium in terms of balloons but, particularly in its liquid form, it's uniquely suited to a number of important applications. First discovered when astronomers analyzed the spectrum of a total solar eclipse in 1868 and then later found on Earth, it became part of a race between an English and Dutch scientist. Not because getting there first would lead to uses, but rather to scale a peak.
By the mid 19th century Michael Faraday managed to get down to about -130°C. It seemed almost impossibly cold at the time, but wasn't enough to liquify oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. He conjectured the trio were permanent gases. About that time Sir William Thompson (later known as Lord Kelvin) deduced from the emerging science of heat, that there was a coldest temperature. An absolute zero -273.15°C. Well below Faraday's mark, it gave hope that much more was possible. Sir James Dewar, at the Royal Institution in London, had been refining techniques to go to very low temperatures and took up the challenge. It didn't take long for him to liquify oxygen and nitrogen, but hydrogen proved more difficult. The Dutch scientist Kamerlingh Onnes was also entered the game. It was an expensive and even dangerous quest. One of the great stories of science follows. Onnes was the good guy, Dewar not so much. I won't go into it, but there's an excellent half hour audio history with a transcript. Listen to it - seriously - then the title of this post might make sense) Without spoiling things too much, Dewar got there first, but helium had been discovered. There was another gas to try and liquify and race got much more serious.
Almost all of the helium on Earth is produced by the radioactive decay of Uranium and Thorium and is trapped in a few pockets around the planet. That wasn't known at the time and it was basically unobtainium. Dewar's personality caused him serious delays and his relentless push led to serious accidents that injured himself and lab assistants. Onnes was banished from his town .. (listen to the audio)
Now that he had liquid helium, Onnes, began to study the bizarre liquid. Curiously the electrical resistance in mercury lowered to liquid helium temperatures fell to zero. Onnes coined the term superconductivity. A few other materials have this property. It allows you to build extremely powerful magnets which are used in MRI machines, maglev trains, particle accelerators and fusion reactor research and more. Almost all of the practical superconductors require liquid helium temperatures. Being able to do this at warmer temperatures would be revolutionary.
In 1986 I was a the big annual meeting of the American Physical Society when Bednorz and Müller of IBM announced they had found superconductivity in a ceramic at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Pandemonium broke out and it was on the front page of the New York Times the next day. It's very unusual for a Nobel Prize to be awarded soon after a discovery, but they were in Stockholm for the ceremony the next year. The material wasn't terribly useful, but it opened up new area of research.
Superconductivity at liquid nitrogen temperatures (77 K, -196°C) is appealing as LN2 is very inexpensive and relatively safe. (Karrie and I have both made ice cream with it:-) More progress has been made with superconductivity at liquid hydrogen temperatures (20 K, -253°C). LH2 is flammable, tricky to handle, and somewhat more expensive, but is almost free when compared with helium. And now practical superconductors for a few uses exist at LH2 temperatures.
If Mount Hydrogen can be economically scaled for a wide range of superconductors, any number of applications where high magnetic fields are important become much more practical. Cheaper MRI, maglev, large motors and generators and beyond. It could bring electric aviation closer. Moving to LN2 superconductors levels much larger scale applications emerge. Perhaps important sections of the electric grid, public transportation and nuclear fusion reactors (the magnets, not the fuel.. plus it's probably a loooong way off)
It quickly gets technical, but a class of superconducting materials that work well at liquid hydrogen temperatures have been around for awhile, but manufacturing them (you find yourself looking at single crystals over a kilometer long) is difficult and expensive. But demand, driven applied science work in fusion reactors, has soared recently and new manufacturing techniques have appeared. Production has grown from meters of wire to hundreds of kilometers. Costs are now within a factor of four or five of a tipping point for widespread use. The problems ahead are difficult, but probably solvable. In ten or fifteen years we may see the beginning of widespread use of these materials and even serious progress at liquid nitrogen temperatures.
The audio piece I linked to describes the lowest temperature made on Earth in about 2004. The record has fallen - it seems likely the coldest spots in the Universe are in physics labs around the Universe - hopefully more than just the ones on this planet.
bondi blue
a minipost
Ask elite beach volleyball players to name their favorite beach and Bondi Beach often comes up. The sand isn't world class, but the water - that amazing blue - can take your breath away. There's a bit of a controversy on pronunciation, but I've heard an Australian player go with bond-eye.
About twenty five years ago Steve Jobs had to bring Apple back from its near-death experience. There wasn't much in the way of in-house new technology, but Jobs had Jony Ive as well as his own taste. They went with the iMac. A strangely shaped, but very cute, little computer with a semi-translucent bondi blue case. Pundits noted there wasn't anything new except design and pronounced it and Apple dead on arrival. Apple sold enough to buy time for for the transition to an operating system and later a processor migration (one of two!), all the time working on "company-killing" products like a portable music player and a smartphone.
The surprise success of the iMac set off a tidal wave of design element copycats. Suddenly everything from routers to hair dryers sported translucent cases - often in bondi blue. As far as I can tell the new design language didn't case a sensation in any of the non-Apple markets.
In the past month I've seen partly thought-out plans to include LLMs like ChatGPT in some way into existing or newly dreamed up products. None of them were clearly articulated. Somehow ChatGPT or an equivalent would supply the appropriate magic. LLMs have become the new bondi blue (bondization?) There are clear usage cases as well as those that aren't. I suspect a lot of money will be burned with a single digit survival rate .. sort of what one sees during Cambrian explosions.
I won't comment here on the dangers of these technologies other than noting regulation is necessary with a well-defined "open", ownership of rights to all training data, evolution of regulation, etc. History across many industries tells us industry shouldn't be involved in its own regulation.
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