The next few days are national celebrations. Canada Day on the first and US Independence on the fourth. No fireworks, but rather I'll pick up on something from a recent post and mention a real beginning - the beginning of structure in the Universe.
About 380,000 years after the beginning the hot dense plasma that filled the universe had cooled to the point where electrons combined with protons and the universe started to become transparent. It was a thermal glow - sort of an orangish color. We can see and map this surface. It's the most ancient time we can directly see. It's so far back in time and the universe has expanded so much, that the light has been redshifted into the microwave region.
By the mid 90s observation techniques had become good enough to map structure in the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background). It looks sort of splotchy. The colors are arbitrary, here the reddish ones represent denser regions. In reality the blotches are very nearly the same.. the temperature difference between the reddest reds and the bluest blues is about one part in one hundred thousand.
The denser regions attracted more mass than the less dense regions and kept growing in mass. Ultimately they became enormous clusters of galaxies. There's a weblike structure, defined by gravity and density that spreads through parts of the universe. It's like clusters of galaxies are tiny dew drops on a huge spider webs. The splotchy picture allows us to measure this structure. Think of the vertical axis as some measure of density and the horizontal axis the angular area of the sky. There's a peak around 1° - a region about twice the apparent width of the Moon. It corresponds to the size of these enormous clusters of galaxies. There's finer structure, of course, but the measurements are more difficult.
A bit on the plot - there are a large number of measurements using three different instruments. The red curve is the best fit to the experimental data. The grey region is the best theoretical prediction so far. Each of the points has an error bar.. notice that many are so good they're almost invisible!
These slight differences in temperature and density, along with the fact that hydrogen and helium were made in the first two minutes of the universe, are one of the reasons why you're here. And another thing to celebrate. Carl Sagan noted we're all stardust. But about 62 percent of your atoms are hydrogen that were forged in the first two minutes of the Universe. Most of your atoms are primordial - as old as the Universe itself! Much of you is Hot Big Bang dust!
And on that spiderwebish cosmic web of galaxies -- here's a computer simulation from the Virgo Consortium. The small bright blobs are clusters of millions of galaxies. There are huge voids with very little.
Oddly enough the period from two minutes after the beginning until the surface of first scattering about 380,000 years later isn't terribly exciting. But the first two minutes represent the most jaw dropping physics I know.
a title for a book or film
I have a long history of chatting with storytellers and found myself talking with a group of four today. Someone asked me to describe what fills me with awe. Somany possibilities, but I went with the early evolution of the universe. There are rough spots, but quite a bit is known from the first hundred billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second from the beginning to the emergence of much of physics at around twenty picoseconds, elementary particles around a microsecond and then hydrogen and helium around two minutes. A very busy time, but the first bit that can be directly detected by us (so far) took place about 380,000 years after the beginning. In the trade it's called the surface of last scattering.
One stopped me - what a great title for a book or film! I gave a bit of an explanation, but it hit me there's something similar all of us have seen - it rises in the morning and sets at night. Nuclear fusion takes place in depths of the Sun. Energy is released in the from of photons which fly off to bump into other bits of plasma. They follow a complicated path pinball path. Energy in the form of light slowly makes progress towards the surface. Even though it's traveling at the speed of light, it takes roughly 10,000 years for energy from fusion at the Sun's core to reach the glowing "surface" we see. Once free from bouncing about it takes a bit more than eight minutes for light to travel the distance to Earth. This glowing region - the photosphere - is the last stop before light can leave the Sun. It's a surface of last scattering.
Many names in science aren't clever or poetic, but this one has a certain beauty. And in the early universe it marks the time where the glow from the hot plasma can be seen and measured by us.
Another feature of solar physics is fusion proceeds so slowly that the power per unit area (sometimes called the power density a bit confusingly) is roughly the same as the metabolism of a lizard or about a quarter of your metabolism. Of course there's a lot of Sun - a good thing as it's been able to last long enough for life to emerge on Earth and evolve to the point where you exist. Life as we know it is not based on run fast and break things stars.
I'd venture a guess that many lines of work have bits and pieces of internal poetry that you tend not to think about. What's yours?
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