Apple introduced two new laptops this week. Fourteen and sixteen inch versions of the MacBook Pro. On the surface they show a company responding to a certain class of users who value functionality over style. A serious reversal from the days when Jony Ive dictated a minimalist approach. Very nice laptops that happen to be extremely powerful. As fast as the most powerful Intel laptops with a much lower power consumption. It is likely these will run quietly most of the time - useful on video calls. And while Intel has been almost stalled on increasing performance, Apples M chip series is only beginning its ramp.
I'm not a historian, but here's a rough sketch.
The Motorola 6502 was simple chip that retailed for about $25 in the mid 1970s. The price made it popular with hobbyists. Steve Wozniak used it in the Apple I and the commercially successful Apple II. This started down on a long relationship with Motorola. Beginning in the 80s Intel supplied the x86 chips used in IBM compatible PCs. During the 80s Apple had moved to Motorola's 68x processors. By the late 80s Motorola was falling behind. Apple was in the unenviable position of being tied to a substandard processor. Some in the company wanted to design their own processor, but Apple lacked the necessary resources. Instead they turned to IBM which made fantastic silicon and was working on a reduced instruction set processor family (RISC) known as the PowerPC (PPC)
I won't go into the RISC vs CISC wars of the 80s and 90s (CISC is complex instruction set) other than mentioning there were two competing processor architectures. Intel's x86 and the Motorola 68x family were both CISC. Apple was internally interested in the higher compute power per watt performance with possible with RISC. Interested enough that they became part of a joint venture that changed the history of technology.
ARM was originally the Acorn RISC Machine - an English home computer the BBC was pushing. Apple was the majority holder of a joint venture between Acorn, Apple and a chip maker called VLSI technology. The company was headquartered in Cambridge, England and took the then novel approach of licensing their design rather than making chips. To say this was successful is understatement. Apple used ARM chips in the Apple Newton. It was a failure and taken off the market when Steve Jobs returned to Apple, but the desire to have their own processor was there and a few changes forced by the market made it possible in the longer term.
Apple introduced their first Power PC machine with an IBM processor in 1994. It was fine as long as it was running software designed for the chip. The problem was most software companies were more interested in supporting the fast growing Wintel platform. Attempted to keep some market, Apple created an emulator that made the PPC act like it was a 68x processor. It was a beautiful piece of software, but 68x programs ran slower on the PPC machines than on three year old 68x based machines. Apple stayed alive, but nearly went out of business. Then Steve Jobs returned with a much better operating system and - well - himself.
By the early 2000s Apple emerged with some great industrial design and a growing number of PPC native programs. Then came a tiny RISC machine called the iPod that only played music. It gave them experience with integrated hardware, software and a service. It may have also marked a point where Apple came out with something not only surprising, but cool. But IBM was failing to keep the PPC relevant. Apple needed to jump. This time the only choice was going back to the CISC x86 Intel processors. Mac OSX, Apple's Unix based operating system, had been running on Intel chips for several years. The software was improving quickly, but getting important developers write native applications was difficult. Once again Apple built an emulator. This time they had some internal experience with the process. It was called Rosetta. PPC instructions were converted to x86 instructions.. It wasn't perfect, but was efficient and good enough that the platform was growing again. Growing enough to convince developers to write native software. And Apple was giving them the software creation tools to do it.
The pain of two major shifts and some interesting new products on the drawing board. They needed their own silicon. They purchased a small silicon design company and built it in the US and Israel. It took years, but over time the results have been remarkable Systems on chips for the iPhone, iPad, AirPods, HomePods, the Apple Watch, and a variety of small support computers used in other devices like a pencil and a keyboard display. All of these run versions of MacOS, use the same development tools, and many are integrated into similar services.
About five years ago Intel began to run out of steam. Apple was working on its third huge transition for PC class machines. This time going from Intel x86 to their own M series ARM (RISC) based chips. The first laptop was introduced last year. The M1 was basically an iPad chip in a laptop. The operating system and a lot of Apple and third party software runs brilliantly on it. The emulator runs native x86 programs about as fast as they ran on Apple's x86 laptops.
That brings us to the announcement a few days ago - the M1 Max and M1 Max Pro. (scroll down a bit for the chips) Both use the same ARM based design The larger Pro chip and has 57 billion transistors while the original 1985 ARM1 chip had just 25,000 transistors. The ARM1 was made with 3 micron process (very roughly the distance between lines and spaces in the lithography) - that's 3,000 nanometers. The M1 Max Pro uses a 5 nanometer process.
Here's a relative size comparison. ARM1 in red M1 Max Pro in blue. (A real M1 is about 20mm wide and the ARM1 is about 7mm) Look closely between the two and you may see a red one pixel dot. That's how big the ARM1 would be if it was made with the same process used in the newer chip.
A feature of putting so much on a single chip is subcomponents can be directly connected on silicon. It offers greater performance and is more power efficient than putting data on a bus and shipping it around from chip to chip and then back again. Such integration is very difficult if you're selling a general purpose chip. Phone and PC makers need to differentiate their product and that usually means doing it with a mixture of chips and the software that binds them. Apple doesn't suffer that restriction. And, until Intel's architecture, there appears to be a lot of blue sky for performance improvement. The real competition will probably come from other ARM chips, but Apple has a lead. Here's some very early commentary from Anandtech.
While not many people will buy high-end laptops, they continue to buy the iPhone - arguably one of the most popular consumer products ever made - along with a large supporting infrastructure of apps and services. And they make smart wireless headphones, smart speakers, smart watches, smart pencils and more. All of this is based on the same core hardware and software architecture. As a friend pointed out it's like the same company makes Ferraris, ebikes and everything in between using the same fundamental design philosophy and somehow making it work. Not a perfect analogy as Apple has a much broader range.
A Moore's Law observation. In 1985 the transistor count for all of the computers Apple sold in 1985 was about 25 bilion - less than half the count on a single M1 Max Pro chip.
hints on how our brains adapt to deal with new concepts
Humans have seen an amazing progression of ideas from basic survival skills to getting a handle on how the universe began and might end and a great richness in between. We do this with a brain that hasn't changed much in the past fifty thousand years. How do we do it?
Here's a quick summary of some work at Carnegie Mellon University that used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a probe to see how physicists organized conceptual properties. fMRI is a rather blunt tool, but it was able to show how the brain organized the measurable and immeasurable.
Another striking finding was the large degree of commonality across physicists in how their brains represented the concepts. Even though the physicists were trained in different universities, languages and cultures, there was a similarity in brain representations. This commonality in conceptual representations arises because the brain system that automatically comes into play for processing a given type of information is the one that is inherently best suited to that processing. As an analogy, consider that the parts of one's body that come into play to perform a given task are the best suited ones: to catch a tennis ball, a closing hand automatically comes into play, rather than a pair or knees or a mouth or an armpit. Similarly, when physicists are processing information about oscillation, the brain system that comes into play is the one that would normally process rhythmic events, such as dance movements or ripples in a pond. And that is the source of the commonality across people. It is the same brain regions in everyone that are recruited to process a given concept.
There are a much broader range of deep concepts in physics that may well have separate organizations, but the technique here is very coarse. They undoubtedly exist in many other occupations and one has to wonder how the mind of someone with a wide range of interests can dance around and play with different structures.
Creative organizations need have internal access to a range of thinking modes and backgrounds. Like many others I have imposter syndrome when I'm listening to someone with deep experience in a different area. Their mind has a great fluidity that you don't have became you lack the background and neural organization. Breaking through this requires communicating at the appropriate level. It's difficult if you don't know the other people. One usually thinks of conventional academic subjects, but it's probably more general. I find it amazing that some soccer or beach volleyball players create a mental map of the position, velocity, and acceleration of the other players including those they can't see and can bounce this off other information and communicate it to their teammate(s). But great players run into the same problem as academic experts. Finding the right level is difficult. Great players rarely make great coaches.
Some organizations have worked out how to do this, but others tend towards narrow depth. If they appear to cover a broad range from the outside, inside they often are an array of poorly networked silos of local expertise. Fortunately there seems to be a growing resistance to siloing. And that brings me to a special kind of person.
Every now and again you come across a human impedance matches. An impedance match is a bit of circuitry that allows as much of the signal as possible to go from sender to receiver (an over-simplification, but ...) These people can sit between people with very different backgrounds or thought processes, often more than two, and make sure the signal gets through. It astonishes me to see these people in action.
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