Our guide, the Director of Development for The Cleveland Orchestra, noted how difficult it was to find matching marble for the lavatories. There were only two of us and we wanted to set up in the main hall, but impressions must be made and little was being spared in the big three year remodeling job.
Cleveland's Severance Hall is a remarkable place. A odd mash-up of Art Deco and Egyptian Revival architecture, it was finished during the Great Depression and became home to The Cleveland Orchestra. Like many symphony halls the acoustics were bad boarding on terrible. Remodeling a few decades later partly fixed the problem, but in addition to rendering the pipe organ unusable, was architecturally "wrong." The work underway when we visited would address all of those issues and make the space one of the best concert halls in the world.
Our company was doing quite a bit with digital music at the time. There was a relationship with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and another with the Oberlin Conservatory. Two of us who were doing much of the Oberlin work developed a relationship with The Cleveland Orchestra and Telarc Records on the side.1 At the same time work on sound field reproduction was a serious research topic.
The idea behind sound field reproduction sounds simple enough. If you've ever been around live music - or even in a recording studio - you've probably noticed your home equipment can't begin to reproduce the acoustic experience. The problem stems from the fact that the wavelengths of the sounds we hear range over three orders of magnitude and much of it is similar in size to musicians, audience members, seats, curtains, the room itself, etc etc. These sounds are reflected, refracted and absorbed. Moving anything causes a change. It's a difficult problem that the music industry and Hollywood would love to see solved. Plus it's an interesting problem!
The approach we were using had a microphone array on a tripod. One up, one down and an odd number between them in the same plane as the floor. Severance was undergoing acoustic tuning and we were going to set up the array to record some music to compare it with other techniques.
We were left alone in the open hall. It was very quiet so I did the obvious thing and clapped my hands once. There was a lovely echo coming from everywhere at slightly different times. If we recorded an even better "clap" - an impulse function - we could mathematically play with it and create a signature of the room.2 Armed with this we could have some fun. We needed to create a good enough impulse.
Severance Hall is on the grounds of Case Western Reserve University - a lovely area with good restaurants and a lot of art and music. (if you ever stay in the area get a room in Glidden House - fantastic little hotel). I figured the school probably had an athletic department and quickly found a track coach. I was able to talk him into lending me a starter's pistol.
Later that night in the darkened hall a shot rang out - only to be captured digitally. Then a few more just to make sure there was enough.
Back at the Labs we had a special acoustically isolated room - an acoustically neutral room (these are rare and not cheap!) Using the same microphone array that was used in Severance Hall we recorded some live music with musicians in the area. The music was convolved with Severance Hall's signature and then mixed down to six channels for playback in the room.
It was fairly convincing.. close your eyes and it really felt like the place the shot rang out in the great hall. Of course you can do better, but it was a great excuse to have a bit of fun.
1 Over the years I’d spent some time worrying about image and sound quality. At one point I thought better was - well - better. My epiphany came in the a perfectly restored 66 red Mustang. It was near Cleveland with the head recording engineer from Telarc Records and a seriously good musician from the Oberlin Conservatory. We were talking about where music reproduction might go with sound field reconstruction and dramatically more information than CDs could provide when a favorite Beatles tune came up on the 8 track (gasp! - it *was* an authentically restoration). The volume came up and the two of them were singing along to the music in pure delight. There is something transcendent about the music - even with awful reproduction in that noisy environment. Portable music players with cheap headphones would be good enough for most. As long as there's a personal touchstone.
2 take its Fourier Transform.
objects and friction
Randall Munroe's xkcd is a necessary visit for anyone doing science, math, or engineering. Artistically simple, he often sums things up with an almost poetic simplicity. Some have suggested topic ideas - he's taken two of mine and created beautifully distilled views of the underlying concepts that make me envious of his talent. And he does it about three times a week. Every now and again he creates something that resonates across a community. It happened again last week:
Anyone who reads a lot of scientific papers recognizes this. Dozens of variations emerged overnight. Some were very specialized - at least three relevant to astrophysics alone and I only know that because I know the community. Here's one Abeba Birhane posted.1
Serious truth! A good deal of the community is this clueless.
It made me think of friction and objects.
One of the most remarkable features of physics is its simplicity. While it may be non-intuitive and sometimes requires a bit of tricky math, you can remove complexity and discover underlying bedrock. Once you understand the simple basics you can restore the complicating bits a piece at a time and describe a vast set of physical processes. The fact that you can deconstruct and reconstruct so effortlessly is unique among the sciences. It's why a physicist will tell you physics is the simplest science.
Beyond physics complexity and emergent properties become important. It turns out that asking "what is life?" is one of the most difficult questions. Working backwards from biology to biochemistry to chemistry to physics breaks down along the way.
But back to simplicity
Students learning about motion and collisions start with a statement like "assume a frictionless surface." Concepts become clear and it's easy to describe interactions where everything is understood. Two blocks colliding elastically for example. Later on you can restore friction. Mechanical engineers, working in the real world, are forced to deal with it. In some of their systems - say a chain and gear bicycle transmission - it's possible to have efficiencies that exceed 99%. Frictionless is the ideal here. On the other hand you don't want frictionless tires or brakes - you'd never start and, if somehow put in motion, you couldn't stop. The bicycle and road system is complicated enough that friction is good in places. Fortunately good engineers know how to deal with such things.
The concept of "frictionless" has extended to interactions between computational objects and people. In fact people are often treated as objects that contain a long series of properties. Constructions like these lack the meaningful emergence that social creatures have. Serendipity and insight are often the result of social "frictions" in our interactions with other people. We can have simple low friction interactions. Sometimes they're great as we're not looking for much, but they're generally shallow. A worry is large scale machine learning can create a faux sense that interactions with machines are deeper than they really are. And many of these interactions are with other parties who make decisions about and for us.
A few who build large scale social platforms have deep backgrounds in the social sciences and the humanities and think deeply about underlying social issues, but much of it is done without much clue by coders who build things quickly and then iterate to make them better - often more frictionless.
Separately I had two wonderful reports from people at a very creative company. Fully vaccinated people are back at the office with some precaution and maskless outside. One reported she's had more insight and exciting ideas in the last week than in the last six months - largely through random talks with coworkers where they could "read" each other. I hope all of you find the light at the end of the tunnel soon.
1 She's a cognitive scientist from Ethiopia who specializes in critical race theory - a rather important intersection these days.
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