° It was 1956 and the cold war was raging. Billions of dollars were being poured into the effort, but it was becoming clear that the pipeline for scientists wasn't working very well and strong science was a national priority. Pre-college science education was in poor shape - particularly in physics. Textbooks were boring and classes were failing to approach problems like a physicist. A group of university professors and high school teachers came together at MIT to form the Physical Science Study Committee (PSSC) to come up with solutions. Progress was being made, but education as a system had an enormous inertia, Then October 4th, 1957 came and a little sphere orbited the Earth. Suddenly Washington DC was pouring rocket fuel all over the PSSC.1
By 1960 a program was developed that emphasized understanding rather than memorization and created films, inexpensive laboratory kit, experiments and teaching material to provide hands-on experience and thinking. Topics were organized to underscore overarching conservation principals. Almost overnight high school physics teaching had been revolutionized. Spurred by the success of the PSSC similar programs were created and successfully implemented for chemistry and biology. Mathematicians had their own approach, They'd focus on the beauty of math and get away from the mindless arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry and algebra that had been taught since the late 19th century. While the science programs succeeded, the new math failed - it made too much of a leap. Parents and teachers alike fought and quickly killed it.
Science teaching, if the metric is the supply of Ph.Ds. in science, is too successful. There simply aren't enough research jobs to match supply and the number of posts in the US is shrinking. One might argue that a Ph.D. in physics is useful in other areas - I've been told physicists think differently and the same is probably true for all of the physical sciences - but if anything the pipeline is working .
Consider just what that pipeline is. There were probably one or two nerdy types in your high school obsessed with science or math. My high school had two in an informal astronomy club. One of us discovered astronomy had too much math and became a doctor and I went into physics. It takes five high schools in the US to produce one student who makes it as far as a BS or BA in physics. At the doctorate level more than thirty high schools come up with one who makes it all the way through. The field just isn't that big.
I remember the PSSC courses. When I took physics as a junior the teacher suggested I already knew too much physics and math and let me read the books and suggested more at the local air bases's library. To get credit I became a teaching assistant for my junior and senior year. It was great - I became familiar with the quirks of the experiments and learned developed a profound mistrust of wires that served me well. He'd talk to me after class. I began to think like a physicist. The fire was lit in me about the time I was eleven, but this oddball version of high school physics I had kept it burning. By the time I went off to college I was focused. I'm fairly convinced the PSSC series would have kept me focused had I not had any background.
A curious factoid mentioned in a note from the American Physical Society. Over 90% of physics Ph.D.s never changed majors in college. I'd be surprised if other Ph.D.s in the physical sciences were different. Folks who make it through the pipe found their focus early on.
Although the pipe works there's a huge problem. What I think is really needed is to give the much larger group - those who will never major in science - a clearer picture of what science is and perhaps why it is beautiful. It is possible to teach the tools necessary to think like a scientist. In a way I'm suggesting something similar to my piece on physical education. Give people a life long appreciation even though they won't become pros. I'd never make it in sports, but I love recreational rowing and watching volleyball. Don't get rid of the professional track, but keep it alive and perhaps improve it a bit through separation. At the same time make popular level science fascinating and relevant.
I'll stay away from ideas of how to do this, but offer something simple. Invert the order of the subjects. You start out with something simple like physics, then add the complexity of chemistry and then biology branching into extremely complex systems like biochemistry qualitatively. Memorization should be avoided at all costs. The Krebs cycle can be cleanly explained at a qualitative level. I've seen some very nice biophysics and biochemistry at a tenth grade level.
The next Monday, when the fathers were all back at work, we kids were playing in a field. One kid says to me, “See that bird? What kind of bird is that?” I said, “I haven’t the slightest idea what kind of a bird it is.” He says, “It’s a brown-throated thrush. Your father doesn’t teach you anything!” But it was the opposite. He had already taught me: “See that bird?” he says. “It’s a Spencer’s warbler.” (I knew he didn’t know the real name.) “Well, in Italian, it’s a Chutto Lapittida. In Portuguese, it’s a Bom da Peida. In Chinese, it’s a Chung-long-tah, and in Japanese, it’s a Katano Tekeda. You can know the name of that bird in all the languages of the world, but when you’re finished, you’ll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird. You’ll only know about humans in different places, and what they call the bird. So let’s look at the bird and see what it’s doing—that’s what counts.” (I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something. - Feynman
Berkeley used to have a version of first year physics called Physics for Future Presidents taught to non-technical majors usually in their senior year. Although it would be out of reach for 45, it was one of the most popular courses in the school. I'm convinced smart people and teachers could do the same for ninth graders.
Education has many more issues - I sometimes get into trouble when I mention I'm not a fan of the current STEM approach. Not only would a discussion in this post be diverting, but I'm not smart enough to offer much clue. But huge changes can be brought to science teaching.
For fun take a look at the physics popularization by the theoretical physicist George Gamow. He was smart enough to know how to write about real physics for people who had curiosity, but little background. Equations are rare and he resorted to story telling., It was about seventy years ago, so it's a bit corny now, but inspired teaching is possible: the Mr Tompkins series. (the songs aren't very good, but a world where the speed of light is 10 miles per hour is fun). Many libraries will have copies too. There are some excellent books reflecting current physics too.
As always contact me if you want a deeper discussion.
1 Actually it wasn't Sputnik immediately. That's a manufactured story courtesy of LBJ.. but a few months after the orbit the new story was good enough to light the fuse. Another story...
Recipe corner
Brussels sprouts are still sort of ok if you roast them. The apples have been not so great, so roast 'em too.. Here's another variation.
Brussels Sprouts and Apples
° a pound of brussels sprouts halved
° 2 tbl olive oil
° a bit of kosher salt
° 2 or 3 tbl nuts broken up small .. I used almonds because that's what I had .. seeds, like sunflower seeds would be good
° 1-1/2 tbl apple cider vinegar
° 1 tsp whole grain mustard
° 1/2 tsp honey (or something sweet..)
° 1/3 cup apple diced small.. like 1/4 inch pieces
° oven to 375° F. put bs on a baking tray, toss with 1 tsp olive oil and a bit of salt . Roast for 30 to 45 min on middle rack 'til brown, crisp outside, soft inside
° put the nuts on a sheet on a lower rack and toast for about 7 or 8 minutes until they start browning.
° whisk the extra olive oil, vinegar, honey and mustard
° when bs come out toss with vinaigrette and nuts and apple