Imagine you wanted to power an iPhone or MacBook with apples. You might drop the fruit from some height onto a generator that would stop the accelerating apple and turn it's kinetic energy into electricity -- sort of like a turbine does in a hydroelectric. While not exactly practical, you could make it work and it's a nice way to think about power and energy.
A joule one of many units of energy. You tend to pick something appropriate for the task at hand and this turns out to be convenient for falling fruit among other things. It's defined as the work done by a a force of one newton over a distance of a meter. In the case of dropping something near the surface of the Earth this is just the product of the mass of the object being dropped, the acceleration due to Earth's gravitational pull and how far the object falls: mgh. If the apple falls from a table (about 0.7 meters high), a medium-size apple (145 grams or a bit over five ounces) has one joule of potential energy turn into one joule of kinetic energy as it strikes the floor - or your generator.
An iPhone 7 Plus has a 11 watt-hour battery. A watt-hour is another unit of energy. Here's how it works. (Understand this and you're doing better than many online tech editors and writers). Power is the rate at which energy is converted from one form to another - the kinetic energy of a falling apple into electricity for example. A common unit is the watt. A watt-second of energy can supply a watt of power for a second and is the same thing as one joule. Supply a watt for an hour and you get 3600 joules or a watt-hour. So the iPhone battery can store 39,600 joules or 39.6 kilojoules( kJ). There's nothing special about a watt-hour requiring an hour .. it's just an amount of energy. It could be 600 watts for 6 seconds. (Normally I would stick with joules or watt-seconds, but I'll use both to stress their equivalence.) A good analogy is your gas tank. It may hold 20 gallons, but your accelerator determines the rate at which it is used, Energy is an amount, power is a rate.
Back to the task at hand. An iPhone in normal use needs about a watt .. run a video and you might need three watts. Dropping apples takes an apple per second to supply a watt - a joule per second. This gets inconvenient in a hurry. An average of about 3600 apples falling from the table per hour rising to as high as 10,000 an hour when you're watching a video. You give the apples energy by picking them up from the floor and placing them on the table .. doing so each gains a joule of potential energy which converts into a joule of kinetic energy when they fall.
The laptop's power requirement is about six times that of the phone .. six apples per second. And it's worse than that as the generator is not going to be one hundred percent efficient. Not to mention your body is only about 20% efficient picking up apples from the floor and putting them on a table. It would take orchards. Or perhaps you could install a three story 10 meter tower and run a 2,400 kg (nearly 5,280 pounds - a very large SUV) weight to the top. That'd power your MacBook Pro for ten hours too...
It seems pretty stupid, but this is how the cheapest and one of the most practical forms of large scale energy storage works. Pumped hydro is done in certain geographies where you can pump water up hill to a reservoir when you have extra power and let it run back down to spin a generator when you need extra power. The round trip efficiency can be as high as 80 percent - even higher if it rains (then you're just adding solar power). The problem is you need a lot of water and a big drop to make it practical. For a 100 meter drop the energy density is 980 joules per kilogram which works out to about 0.27 watt-hours per kilogram.1
The pumped hydro facility - arguably the largest battery in the world - is the Bath County Pumped Storage Station. It can supply about 3,000 megawatts of power - about the same as three nuclear reactors. The US has about an eighth of he world's total pumped water capacity of 168 gigawatts of power (updated - thanks David). It's much cheaper than other large scale forms of storage. Lithium-ion batteries would cost at least a hundred times as much. Unfortunately there aren't many practical natural sites.
For smaller applications you need much higher power densities. Consider electro-chemical storage - electric batteries ..
alkaline AAA non-rechargeable 118 Wh/kg
alkaline C non-rechargeable 147 Wh/kg
Li-ion 18650 rechargeable2 180 - 280 Wh/kg
An improvement, but what if your body ran on electricity? You need about 100 watts of power on average around the clock. That'd be about 10 kilograms of lithium-ion batteries for your daily energy supply. Not exactly practical. Fortunately life figured out how to use a much denser form of energy storage - the making and breaking of carbon-based chemical bonds.
plain M&Ms 5,700 Wh/kg
beef hot dog 3,350 Wh/kg
People are often surprised when they learn a hot dog packs about three times energy of a similar sized stick of dynamite (1,150 Wh/kg). Dynamite doesn't have a particularly high energy density, but it can develop a lot of power. It's trick is the ability to undergo extremely fast combustion .. so fast the result is an explosion. Too much power can be bad for your health.
Further up the hydrocarbon energy density scale are the oils.. vegetable oil has roughly the same energy density as petroleum based fuels. All of these are really stored solar energy thanks to photosynthesis.
To get a sense of scale there are any number of games you can play. A single plain M&M has about 3.5 nutritional calories of energy - about 14.7 kJ or 15,000 apples falling from the table. Convert them to electricity at 100 percent efficiency and you could run your iPhone for ten hours. This is one of the reasons why tiny fuel cells for electronic devices crop up every now and again. So far they haven't been very practical.
Say you're an Olympic female volleyball player. Blocking at the net you might jump high enough to raise you center of gravity by about 0.7 meters -- maybe a bit more. If your mass is 70kg you need a bit under 500 joules to get there.3 But the human body is only about 20 percent efficient for this kind of jumping, so you need more like 2500 joules (or watt-seconds). The single M&M should be good for about six jumps. By comparison a triple AAA alkaline battery stores about 5,000 watt-seconds - three AAA cells is about an M&M.
A diversion, but one that's fun to think about, is what would sports be like on different bodies in the solar system. The simple way is to just consider the effect of gravity, but that's not terribly interesting. Balls interact with the air, so imagine a large open room with air at the equivalent of sea level. The acceleration of gravity on the moon is about a sixth that of Earth so balls wouldn't drop as rapidly. They'd go further, but how far would depend on air resistance. Volleyballs have a lot of surface area and won't go as far as you might expect. Putting spin on them, the Magnus effect is already important in volleyball, would seem more dramatic than on Earth. On very small bodies like asteroids and small moons you have the specter of golf balls going into orbit (although the orbits wouldn't be very stable) - perhaps not the ideal spectator sport. There's also this matter of friction - something rather central to anyone who moves. Most sports would require new rules to be interesting and practical. Picking a sport or two you like and thinking about rules for Mars, the Moon or some other place is a nice form of daydreaming. Or invent something new. In both cases senses, reaction times, game play and beauty are involved. How would things like balls, court or field size, net heights, etc change? (computer simulations and real time visualizations are useful) Would your rules allow interesting competition? Would it be fun to watch? In the process maybe you'll develop a deeper insight for Earth-bound sport.
1 Joules/kg is usually called energy density and watt-hrs/kilogram is specific energy. Those historical conventions that can be confusing.
2 18650 cells are a very common form factor. The different energy densities represent different chemistries. Picking a chemistry depends on the task at hand and they all involve tradeoffs. Chemistries appropriate for cars tend to be on the lower end of the scale.
3 There's quite a bit more going on besides just raising your center of gravity, but the major component of work is the vertical jump.
Recipe Corner
Dairy-free "creamy" soups
The trick is to get the vegetable to stock ratio right, add some starch and and blend well. I use about five cups of good veggie stock to two pounds (one kilogram) of veggies.
Cut the veggies into small bits for quick cooking. Start with an onion, a couple of leeks and a couple of cloves of garlic. Sweat them in olive oil with salt until they soften. Add the starring veggies and sweat. Add the stock, boil and then simmer. Simmer 'til the veggies easily pierce with a fork. Then use a blender or a stick blender to make the soup smooth. Then finish with salt and pepper, lemon etc...
The big trick is the veggie to stock ratio and practice.