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Hi there Steve! I'm finally leaving a comment on your page! I'm not a fan of horror at all, but I don't mind a well thought out, well written thriller. I'm always watching the ID channel at home though! I love watching the FBI Files et al, so I'm not sure what that says about me! I like your dressing for asparagus. I may just try it as a salad dressing at some stage.


It sounds like you and Sukie have similar taste in movies - probably books too. I tend towards comedies and animation, but there are lots of exceptions. There are a few that are so bad, in a tongue-in-cheek way, that they're good. I was hoping this would make that jump, but it completely lost me in its badness.

I had more of the dressing the next day and added some crushed walnuts. There are a lot of things you could experiment with. A keeper!

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