About three years ago I became interested in the fluid dynamics of volleyball and found a nice result that introduced me to the science of sport. While most of my work has focused on beach and indoor volleyball, I've had contact with folks who puzzle the motion of elite athletes. Their work deals with the fundamentals of everything from how muscles work, to the efficiency of motion and even neurological and psychological issues. A fantastic playground working with amazing people at the extreme edge of human performance and a huge question generation machine.
Last week one of them noted a paper on age related decline in performance. The authors looked at a large number of German marathon runners and their analysis led them to a somewhat surprising result that may be of interest to some of you as at least four of you - Jheri, Magi, Pip and Dave - participate in marathons for sport.
The abstract says gets to the gist of the matter:
Physical performance often declines in middle age, but it is unclear to what extent this is due to biological aging. It can be difficult to determine whether such physical changes are truly age-related, as they might alternatively be explained as the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
We assessed the endurance of a physically active subgroup of the population by performing an age- and sex-stratified analysis of over 900 000 running times of marathon and half-marathon participants aged 20 to 79. We also analyzed the responses of 13 171 marathon and half-marathon runners to a questionnaire about sports, lifestyle, and health.
No significant age-related decline in performance appears before age 55. Moreover, only a moderate decline is seen thereafter; in fact, 25% of the 65- to 69-year-old runners were faster than 50% of the 20- to 54-year-old runners. Our survey also revealed that more than 25% of the 50- to 69-year-old runners had started their marathon training only in the past 5 years.
Performance losses in middle age are mainly due to a sedentary lifestyle, rather than biological aging. The large contingent of older “newcomers” among marathon runners demonstrates that, even at an advanced age, non-athletes can achieve high levels of performance through regular training.
Really good news for once!
There are some difficult issues to tease apart (self selection and a skewed sample size for example), but the paper appears fairly robust. It would be interesting to see what others did with the same database as well as similar databases in other countries to see if this is generally true.
For fun I plotted the times for the average marathon runners and then moved the curve for the best runners normalizing it so performance for elite and middle of the pack 25 year olds matched. This is far from a robust numerical technique, but I'm only trying to compare the relative shape of the curves to notice how performance deteriorates with age. The elite athletes turn out to always be better runners by definition, but the performance of that group deteriorates more quickly with age. You have no real hope of being an elite performer past the age of 40, but you can certainly have good recreational performances into your mid 50s and beyond. We won't break records, but those of us in the middle can retain our level of performance for a long time.
I have always been terrible at sprinting and jumping, but am not bad at endurance work. Some foot issues keep me from running, but I row and don't find two hour sessions impossible. As a student I averaged a few century level bike rides a month and did my share of double centuries. Both of my nieces are runners and one even runs ultra-marathons in the mountains of Arizona. The three of us have very similar body types (sadly for them) and it is likely we have a high percentage of slow twitch muscles.
It turns out people have several types of muscles. The skeletal muscles involved in moving our limbs come in two basic flavors - slow and fast twitch1. Fast twitch muscles are associated with bursts of power and are sometimes called white muscles. Their slow twitch counterparts are associated with much lower levels of power, but they can function at those levels for much longer periods of time- often hundreds of times longer - before fatigue occurs.
Most people have about a 50-50 mix of slow and fast twitch muscles. Elite sprinters can have as much as 80% fast twitch and elite marathon runners can have 70 to 80% slow twitch. Even good recreational distance runners tend to have a much higher percentage of slow twitch muscles than an average person.
When we push ourselves there are a few basic power levels we can produce that depends on the muscle type and fuel supply. I'll mention the main four.
A very short term bust of power can be had for a few seconds from ATP stored inside the muscle, followed by about 10 seconds of a somewhat lower power mode. Both of these exhaust fuel local to the muscle and neither require externally supplied oxygen. Fast twitch muscles are ideally suited for this type of power generation.2 As the blood doesn't have to be well oxygenated, these muscles often have a white appearance.
For up to about two minutes another form of anaerobic respiration takes place as glycogen breaks down into glucose. The muscles can convert glycogen into ATP with or without oxygen, but the problem is anaerobic conversion forms lactic acid while leads to extreme fatigue and pain.3 Sports that live in the twenty second to two minute range are dominated by this process. Running a mile is well beyond the anerobic barrier.
The difference in power can be startling. A world class 100 meter dash specialist or 200 meter bicycle sprinter can develop 2000 to 2500 watts - for about 10 seconds. Colleen, when she was competing, could develop over 700 watts for 30 seconds and over 550 watts for a minute. For scale consider that a horsepower is about 750 watts.
These bursts come with an enormous cost - you have to get rid of the heat somehow. The ten second sports are that for a reason - any longer and you have to shift gears to the next level of respiration and performance would drop dramatically. Internal core body temperature soars to the level where a few more seconds would cause a stroke. We're very lucky our muscles don't have enough internal fuel to push the body to that level. The amount of thermal energy that must be dissipated isn't huge, but the power pulse is great.4
After the local fuel supply runs out fuel and oxygen must be brought in from elsewhere. Now the body shifts to a mode where glycogen that is circulating in your blood converts to ATP aerobically.5 The power levels are low, but the process can go for a long time - theoretically until you run out of fuel from your digesting food and stores of fat. The slow twitch muscles are centers for this type of aerobic power and the oxygenated blood gives them a red appearance. This is the world of the distance runner.
In my recreational rowing I usually plug away at about 150 watts output generated about 600 watts of waste heat in the process. I can step up my power level for short amount of times, but my performance is very lame compared to average male athletes or an elite female athlete. I have plotted some power vs time curves for different types of people.6 My excuse is that I'm not trying for bursts, but rather just for long durations. Of course I'm far from an athlete.
No matter what your muscle composition is, getting some regular exercise is a good thing and now it appears that we can maintain reasonable performance levels throughout middle age and perhaps give ourselves increasingly difficult goals - for those who are into such things. The rewards are great. I've been increasing my fitness level to where it probably was in grad school and during my last physical my doctor's notes described me as a "thin athletic male"... not terrible for a middle aged guy who had been seriously out of shape. Vital signs like blood pressure and pulse fall right into line without drugs. A larger benefit is that the exercise periods are good for clearly the mind. Highly recommended.
And to those of you who are in an upcoming marathon - good luck!!
Somewhere down the line I'll go into the physics of volleyball - there are some amazing things are taking place and it is even more interesting in the beach game.
1 There are more types, but for a high level discussion it is fair to use this categorization.
2 There are several types of fuels our body can use. Ultimately muscles use ATP, which is the only fuel they can use to power their contraction. There are several mechanisms that produce ATP and ultimately all of these come from the food you eat. Some of these can supply energy immediately in short bursts and others can be used at slower rates over long periods of time.
The muscle has two fuels that can be used immediately. One is a very small reserve of ATP that can supply great bursts of power for a second or two - just the sort of thing if you have to jump or start a sprint. There is also a substance called phosophocretine (PCr) that can quickly be turned into ATP. Together these are called the phosphagen, but you can think of it as an very high power, but short duration anaerobic fuel supply.
After the stored ATP is gone PCr being turned into ATP, but there is only about ten seconds worth.
The muscle does not require oxygen to use ATP or to convert PCr to ATP and these processes are anaerobic. They only generate work and heat. Immediately available and offering high power, they are the reason why some athletic events that require enormous power - weight lifting or the 100 meter dash for example - take place in about ten seconds or less.
3 Our muscles have stores of a glycogen. Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate that is just a string of glucose molecules. Cells in the muscles break glycogen into glucose. Your body can turn the glucose into the ATP you need without or without oxygen, but there is a trade off. The aerobic process that uses oxygen completely breaks the glucose down with water, heat and carbon dioxide as waste products. It also happens to be a slower process and although your heart and lungs are starting to work hard , they don’t have their act together yet.
At this point you need immediate power and that means turning the glucose into ATP anaerobically. The process isn’t as fast as the phosphagen system and it isn’t terribly efficient, but this is the only good source of energy ten seconds into the run.
An 80 kilogram person in good physical shape has about a pound - maybe 400 grams - of glycogen stored in the muscles. Since carbohydrates are about four calories per gram, that is about 1600 calories of stored energy. But there is a fly in the ointment.
Converting glucose into ATP anaerobically produces lactic acid as a waste product.
Carbohydrates can supply the energy required to go beyond ten seconds of endurance. These can be simple sugar glucose, glycogen (otherwise known as starch), and a partially metabolized form of starch called lactate. These fuels can be used in several ways.
Glucose and glycogen can be used anaerobically producing a lot of power for and leaving lactic acid as a waste product. The lactic acid buildup is painful and will cause you to fatigue quickly. Your body can’t remove it quickly enough when you are running hard. This glycose-lactic acid system is good for about two of three minutes of hard running before you need to shift gears again.
As you continue your heart rate is increasing and you is breathing much harder. You have been running for nearly two minutes and your heart and lungs are now working well. Rich oxygenated blood is flowing through her body and the oxygen is used with the glucose to produce ATP without the nasty lactic acid buildup. your muscles are shifting from the anaerobic glycose-lactic acid system to aerobic respiration.
4 At 20% efficiency a 2500 watt 9.5 second 100 meter dash would generate 10,000 watts of power - or 100,000 watt seconds of thermal energy that must go somewhere. We radiate some, a bit is conducted away, but the majority makes use of our ability to sweat which relies on some oddities of the physics of water molecules.
5 There is fair amount of glycogen in your muscles and glycogen in your liver is being broken down into glucose which goes directly into her blood stream to fuel the muscles. You're also getting some glucose from food you've been eating as it gets absorbed by the intestine and placed into the blood.
Glucose circulates in the blood along with oxygen and can be turned into ATP slowly, but for as long as there is fuel coming from the digestion of food. The power levels provided by this aerobic metabolism are much lower than those produced anaerobically, but they are sustainable for hours.
During aerobic respiration, your muscles can convert ATP to work at about fifty percent efficiency - the rest of the energy is heat. The aerobic conversion of glucose to ATP is about fifty percent efficient, so the efficiency of turning glucose into work is the product of the two - about twenty five percent. This is similar to the peak efficiency of the engine in your car. Specific motions lose a bit more efficiency several common motions people perform get the work done that moves you or propels a ball about a twenty percent efficiency.
6 The male athletes were from a sample of college athletes in the early 1960s measured by NASA as they were trying to understand human performance. The average men were about 80 kg. Colleen weighs 80 kg and this is a fairly average curve for elite 80 kg women these days. The 20 year old male sample was from college non-varsity teams in the early 1960s. All of these measurements are on calibrated ergometers. Mine is a Concept2 rowing ergometer.
2:38:17 pm indeed ...
Jheri sent a note complaining about being jet-lagged after a flight from Nanjing to Copenhagen - six hours difference. It should have been more, but China ticks to UTC+06:00.
Someone asked me to think about major changes that I thought technology might inspire. Things that may even be quietly taking place now, but will grow and make themselves known a few decades from now. Like speculating about what would really impress someone from 125 years ago (it probably isn't the Internet or television), these are interesting exercises that hopefully give a bit of insight into the interaction between society and technology.
I've thought about this before but wouldn't claim great insight. I do find myself with the same candidate every time I think about this namely our relationship with time. Specifically cutting the tight bindings we have with synchronized time.
It is interesting to think about when the concept of modern time began to take hold. Once we responded to natural rhythms - sunrise, sunset, the seasons and so on .. but a mechanical means of dividing days up didn’t become very practical until about the 14th century and then only as expensive devices that showed hours. It took another four centuries or so for hands to appear.
Local solar time was still widely used in much of the 19th century - the concept of “high noon” ruled, but the advent of the telegraph and railroads required a synchronization of time. In the US there was railroad standard time with each railroad with its own flavor. Large stations had multiple clocks each showing different times. The concept of a timezone was invented and finally implemented in 1883 on the day of two noons.
The concept of modern time - 2:38:17 pm EDT eastern time being a meaningful point - dovetailed nicely with the needs of the industrial revolution and tied us to schedules driven by clocks. Efficiency and the concept of “scientific management” was promoted by Taylor and others. Many people became widgets and most of us became obsessed with this synchronization of time.
Einstein found himself working in a patent office while he was working on his Ph.D. remotely using the mail system. His speciality was looking at patents of schemes to synchronize time - meshing rather nicely with the physics he was working on at the time. Very deep thinking about simultaneity led to special relativity in 1905.
Today most of us know where we are in time and space to a fair degree of accuracy due to the global positioning system our cellphones use.
Clearly useful, but is it on target? Are the lives we lead - private and work - really much better than the world where 2:38:17 pm EDT was a ludicrous concept and “between lunch and dinner” was accurate enough?
Early in my Bell Labs career I found myself in a laboratory where personal time for creativity was a valued concept. There were meetings during the day as well as scheduled talks. The lunchroom opened and closed at a fixed time and there was tea every day at 4 pm. But much of the day was more flexible. The lab director was a believer in the need for an uninterrupted stretch of time where you set the pace.
We all had individual offices with doors on them. For three hours a day - our choice of morning or afternoon - our phones would go dead and we had a flag outside our office door indicating if we were in “cave mode” or if it was ok to have visitors. Most people collaborated, but you could get three full hours in the event you had achieved a state of Csíkszentmihályian flow. Of course the brain handles a many tasks simultaneously, but I find my conscious mind, whatever that is, tends to task switch single processes rather than multitask and there is a serious overhead associated with saving and restoring state. We had control over interruption.
We were held accountable during our yearly merit reviews, but researchers in the lab were carefully vetted and trusted.
Our lab was extremely productive - I would even use the word creative.
Several years later I transferred to another lab that didn’t have this boundary and felt an enormous difference. Fortunately I was able to move to another area where people could pretty much establish their own workflow. It was a negotiation with collaborators, but we had a reputation for doing great work and being difficult to schedule.
When I began to consult I mentioned this to an extremely creative company I have ties with and, mirabile dictu, they were fascinated and experimentally adopted the three hour block. I’ve been told it is something of a secret weapon for them. It does require people to get used to a different way of working and thinking.
Yet most of us are micro scheduled and are forced to deal with a stream of interruptions that destroy any kind of deep thinking.
“Overnight” or at most two days is the period that some assemblage of atoms should require to be sent from any point on the planet to our desk. A flood of people travel to and from work mostly during the same hours artificially clogging the roads and making the commutes much worse than they might otherwise be. We schedule “quality time” with families and even schedule blocks of time for our kid’s activities.
Some of this is necessary and some of it is pushed more than it needs to be. Having the ability to communicate whenever we want and wherever we are is something that implies choice, but many of us become slaves to it.
I have a gut feeling that our mobile networks and a few other technologies have the ability to free us a bit. In the mid 90s I began to notice that young people with cellphones were discovering that synchronizing meetings could be fuzzy - that you could tell someone roughly when and where you might be able to meet with them and go into hover mode where you might be doing something interesting rather than waiting on a corner for 35 minutes wondering if their train was late. At AT&T Research we prototyped a conceptual system called air graffiti that put a few other twists on this fuzzier concept of spacetime and could even act as a catalyst for serendipity while supporting normal modes of tight synchronization.
We’re all different. Some of us might be really creative at 11 am and dead to the world at 3 pm. I think we have a chance of moving to a world where the Talorized concept of tightly synchronized activities will begin to fade.
Perhaps we can take advantage of the fact that time is indeed relative. We may be at the beginning of a radical rethinking of what time is and means to us - as radical as when we started treating the artificial concept of 2:38:17 as something rigid.
And Jheri? Although she is tightly bound to the clock now, her path may lead her to forestry research and she may even find long periods of time where she takes note of and uses sunrise, sunset and the seasons.
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